I am worried about my own life, and the life of my daughter. She has had an extremely hard year physically, and that worries me. I cry about it a lot. You see URANUS is transiting my NATAL MOON in the 4th HOUSE in the sign of Taurus.

OMG this is absolutely HORRIFIC! 

I am admit that I am worried about my own life, and the life of my daughter.  She has had an extremely hard year physically, and that worries me. I cry about it a lot.   You see URANUS is transiting my NATAL MOON in the 4th HOUSE in the sign of Taurus.  (This will effect motherhood, emotions, home, family, and women.) My Moon trines my SUN and Ascendant exactly.  My Moon is also trine my PLUTO IN VIRGO in the 8th house. Yes,  I have been blessed with a loving GRAND TRINE.   The focal point of my joy has always been MY DAUGHTER. ALWAYS.   However; it has been a rough 12 months or so,  she has had Covid 3x and loss 2 babies over this past year.  I have cried buckets.  It has been so bad, that we both admitted that we both feel numb. 

It has been beyond devastating.  You see, I also have Saturn and Pluto retrograding inside my natal 1st house, making things more physically difficult.  While Saturn has been in my daughter's 10th house of Career, causing much work and stress in that area of her life. However, it also opposes her own 4th house of motherhood, hence the lost of 2 children. 

My prayer is for my daughter to be rejuvenated, healed and restored.  She sounded so much stronger than she has for the last few days so I believe the prayers are truly helping.

I am insanely close to my daughter emotionally.  My Moon in Taurus, in the 4th house at 17* degrees also trines my daughter's Sun, Moon and Mercury which sit on my own Natal Pluto in the 8th house.  In other words, my daughter is a part of my LIFE GRAND TRINE.   If anything happens to her I am positive that I will go shortly after, like Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher, or like Whitney and her daughter. 

(Btw: Whitney and I are both born the same year. Same year as Johnny Depp) 

My daughter truly is part of the joy of my life. We both have our Jupiter in Pisces.  We both are Tigers.  She is my precious. Truly her birth was magical from Day1.  I have always known that she came into this world to brighten it, not only for me, but for others too.  Her words now brighten the minds of others because her insight is incredible, people pay her handsomely to help them save their businesses from chaos.

Anyway, I digress (totally).  Here is the horrific message I got at astro.com.  As a woman with her Moon in the 4th house, any mention of losing women close to me makes me cry. I am only close to a handful of people... plus I am worried because of my own aging process.   

Worst yet, this is Uranus on MY MOON IN THE 4th HOUSE.  Isn't this potential sudden death?   Wow!!! Okay, so let me just say this: "Look, I love you all. I do. If anything happens to me suddenly between now and April 2023, just remember that I wrote this message June 5th 2022." 

It is predicted that my death will most likely be sudden, probably a sudden heart attack. Something ridiculous, quick and simple. (Uranus and Pluto in the 8th).  However; with the Moon trine in the 4th, it will not be too unpleasant. Like dying in the sleep. Old age, a sudden accident etc.  I am prone to sudden accidents, so I stopped driving over 20+ years ago. (Not kidding).  I am very cautious. (Double Capricorn with Saturn in the 1st. Yes, I am rigid. LOL).

I know this is a bad transit, but I personally saw me living to 83 (even past my next Saturn return).  So I am pretty sure I will get past this awful transit, as long as I take care of myself, avoid meats and cheeses and dance more often.  I have to get out more often and work a lot less.  

Now as an Astrologer, I am also looking at other possible scenarios.  Taurus means money and possessions, so this could also be a sudden change in what I own.  A sudden change in MONEY and POSSESSIONS, especially in the HOME or FAMILY, or what I have to give to others.   

This is also opposing my natal NEPTUNE in the 10th house in Scorpio, which sits on my MIDHEAVEN. I wonder if this has to do with the work/life balance.  Working from home vs Working in an outside environment.  Whenever Neptune is involved,  illusions, delusions, smoke screens and mirrors are usually  involved.  This means I have to watch  what is happening with my career and reputation as well. 

HERE IS THAT ARTICLE from Astro.com:

Enormous psychological change and possibly emotional turmoil. Among its manifestations are the following: sudden incidents involving women; emotional upsets; emotional rashness and impulsiveness; sudden changes of mood; changes in your most intimate domestic and personal life, especially at home; and possibly sudden incidents concerning your mother or another female relative.

The effects of this influence are not so much bad as sudden and surprising. The most disturbing effect is the sense of upset, but you may also feel very excited. You can count on this influence to change your daily routine. Sudden infatuations with unusual partners are one of its consequences.

Aspects of yourself, such as your innermost emotional nature, your habits, your emotional responses, your belief that you are supported and nurtured in life, and also the possessions that you identify with them, such as your home and land, are most subject now to the surprising effects of this influence.

What is most difficult to do but most important is to maintain your sense of equilibrium. Like the other aspects of your life, your usual emotional expression can become rigid and routine to the point that you are not really experiencing your life anymore. Viewed positively and constructively, this influence can get you in touch with life again, although it may do this through some event that you consider unfortunate. No matter what occurs, if you have the courage to look, you will discover that you are feeling alive again. The feeling may be sadness if you have lost someone or something. But the aliveness that comes when you are truly in touch with your feelings is worth as much as anything this influence takes away.

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