You Create Your Own Reality You Are Not Bound By A Common World View Inspirational Speech
Wayne Dyer said 'Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change' Don't fall prey to the world view of those around you Create your own reality meditation inspirationalspeech inspiration Download or Stream any Rising Higher Meditation content to any device ia Many blessings and much love from Jess Music by Rising Higher Meditation Written spoken and produced by Jess Shepherd About The Speaker Jess Shepherd is an amazing Energy Therapist from the Gold Coast Australia She is a true blessing to this world and we know you will be able to FEEL her positive energy through these recordings If you want to learn more from Jess or get in touch please visit a www jessshepherd com a email us connectandcre8 gmail com How Can Guided Meditation help you Guided meditations are designed to bring you into a still and peaceful space a relaxed but aware state where you are in sync with all that you want to attract into your life PLEASE do not listen to these tracks while operating machinery or driving They are best used with headphones and sitting or lying in a comfortable quiet place where you will not be disturbed We love creating guided meditations affirmation and music so please subscribe and share if you enjoy them If you are new to meditation we recommend you listen to a Relaxation or Beginners meditation first to get into a relaxed meditative state POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS CHANGE YOUR PROGRAMMING SELF LOVE I AM I AM AFFIRMATIONS AFFIRMATIONS LOVE WELLNESS GRATITUDE UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE DIVINE REPROGRAMMING UNLIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS GOD PEACE INNER STRENGTH WEALTH PROSPERITY ABUNDANCE MONEY MANIFESTATION LAW OF ATTRACTION CHANGE SUBCONSCIOUS AFFIRMATIONS FEAR DOUBT WORRY ANXIETY NERVOUSNESS CONFUSION DEPRESSION INSOMNIA SLEEP MUSIC SLEEP EASY RELAXING MUSIC FOR SLEEP AFFIRMATION FOR SUBCONSCIOUS POSITIVE PROGRAMMING HEALING LAW OF ATTRACTION FOCUS INTEND MEDITATION GUIDED MEDITATION POSITIVE ENERGY RAISING VIBRATION RAISING FREQUENCY MEDITATION TRUST INFINITE INTELLIGENCE GUIDANCE SUPPORT LAW OF ATTRACTION FRIENDLY UNIVERSE FLOW PRESENCE BLESSED ENERGY ATTRACTING ABUNDANCE
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