Why Empaths Defend Their Narcissist

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
08 Nov 2021

Why Empaths Defend Their Narcissist Empaths are usually the victims of Narcissistic abuse It seems as though both the Narcissist's and the Empath's personalities are created for one another in a dark and twisted way Today we will learn why Empaths still choose to defend their Narcissist even through abuse Empaths are unique and interesting people who are often vulnerable to Narcissistic abuse because of their characteristics They defend their Narcissists not because they are stupid or weak but because they are victims of constant manipulation and gaslighting If you or a friend suffers from Narcissistic abuse look out for each other and support one another Have you ever defended a Narcissist What had finally made you stop defending them 00 00 INTRO 00 12 10 Reasons Why Empaths Defend Their Narcissist 00 19 10 Empaths Forgive And Forget 01 03 09 Empaths Usually Have The Savior Complex 01 58 08 Narcissists Make Them Think That They Are The Problem 02 56 07 Experienced Narcissists Twist The Truth 03 49 06 Empaths Love Hard 04 52 05 Empaths Do Not Like Conflict 05 42 04 Empaths Do Not Want To Embarrass The Narcissist 06 25 03 Narcissists Make The Empath Believe That The Abuse Was Their Fault 07 05 02 Narcissists Isolate The Empath From Their Support 07 53 01 Narcissist's Constant Brainwashing And Manipulation Do You Have Topics In Mind Comment Below

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