What is Narcissism - Crash Course

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
25 Oct 2021

Narcissism is a personality disorder which involves egotistical thinking and actions being self-centered undue need for appreciation and lack of empathy for people Such people are also manipulative patronizing selfish and demanding A narcissist s behaviour is seen in all aspects of his her life work family and friends Origination of the concept Narcissism The word Narcissism comes from Greek mythology and is the name of a hunter Narcissus He was the son of nymph Liriope and river god Cephissus Narcissus was extremely proud of his handsome looks and despised those who sought his love Goddess Nemesis was alarmed by his attitude and attracted him to a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection Narcissus never left the side of the pool until death came to him

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