Uplifting Service Ron Kaufman Talks at Google

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
14 Sep 2021

Ron Kaufman discusses his New York Times bestselling book Uplifting Service which offers a proven path to delighting your customers colleagues and everyone else you meet The book exposes a massive wound in a subject area that has become buried in weak distinctions inadequate practices and popular but shallow clich s Ron is a globally acclaimed service educator consultant and thought-leader with clients on every continent and in every major industry Ron believes that service connects us all but most of us are missing key opportunities to win new customers delight the ones we already have and make lifelong advocates fans and supporters The solution is simpler than you might think and in this fast-paced presentation he explains the 5 key elements to build a self-sustaining service culture that can uplift an individuals transform an organization and ultimately change the world
www UpliftingService com

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