Understanding Energy Cords

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
19 Feb 2022

Energy cords are invisible yet very genuine lines of energy and communication that connect us to people places and things Energy can ebb and flow through these links These cords filaments threads and strings that connect us to the world around us can be thin and transient or they can flow like a vast river and they can even come from our past and exist over lifetimes Strong emotions such as love and fear travel quickly through these linkages physical pain physical pleasure and knowledge and wisdom can also be transmitted through them Some of these energy attachments are beneficial they allow us to feel vibrant and alive Others aren t so helpful they deplete and weaken us When two people interact with each other energy cords are formed between them These energy cords can feel either energizing or depleting Sometimes you can lose energy through a cord It also can be a way for a person to gain information from you or even in a dark way manipulate and control you Most individuals are not consciously aware of these energy cords but they can feel them on a subconscious level Some clairvoyants and psychics can see these strands of energy which usually run from solar plexus to solar plexus but they can attach anywhere on the body The stronger the emotional connection between two people the stronger the cord is Energy cords allow us to feel another person even if they are thousands of miles away Sometimes we can even sense what another person is feeling or thinking through the cord Energy strands can pull people together and they can also make it difficult to separate when a relationship is no longer constructive There are cordlike energy connections to locations as well Music The ascension - Hampus Naeselius Campion - valante Race Against Time - Hampus naeselius at the break of dawn- jakob ahlbom gordian knot - jakob ahlbom quadrants - ookean future unknown - dream cave radio nights - curved mirror appeased soundscape 11 - august wilhelmsson soft rains - hushed beyond gravity -spirit of our dreams ambiance - johannesburg bornlof findings - august willhelmsson the beginning of the end - august willhelmsson sealed letters - augst willhelmsson they came from the sky - ausust willhelmsson breath of the mindful - spirits of our dreams silent orbit - spirits of our dreams face of the earth - jakbo ahlbom The New Earth Activation trainings - Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings meditations advanced training and access to the new earth

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