Two days from now and you'll be on a streak of success

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
22 Oct 2024

In this issue on the channel Victoria Ugryumova you will be waiting for the traditional parsing of the energies of the coming week for Capricorns - from October 21 to 27 Before moving on to the forecast itself the author shares her impressions about Clean Reserve - Clean Reserve Suede fragrance The listeners will hear a description of the atmosphere of late autumn inspired by this perfume Then after a brief excursion into the technical details of the issue Victoria Ugryumova gives a detailed look at the astrological events of the week paying special attention to the square of the Sun and Pluto on Tuesday and the sextile of Mars and Uranus on Friday The author gives recommendations on how to use these energies for your own good and what areas of your life you should pay special attention to The video ends with a call to share your thoughts in the comments and a wish for all the best

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