The Hong Kong Situation is Getting Worse
Hong Kong is great place Troubled but great You should go Also this video isn't an attack on China I feel whenever you say the word China people will put you in some anti box or pro box I had a wicked time in China Awesome country This is just a view of what Hong Kong looks like today Anyway I'm rambling Might go get some sushi Mmmmmm Sushi Have a good weekend xxx enjoy mike x Link to SoCo a https 3A 2F 2Fsoco org hk 2Fen 2F a -------- Some other vids you should watch https www youtube com watch v YkRw1vkk6lI t 48s a https 3A 2F 2Fwww youtube com 2Fwatch 3Fv 3DgAP5fcOCChw a ------- Email me mike mikeokay co uk Follow me on insta a https 3A 2F 2Fwww instagram com 2Fmikeokennedyy 2F a -------- hongkong china travel asia
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