Robo-Kickboxer Full Martial Arts Movie Steve Brettingham Nick Brandon

26 Sep 2023

Two kickboxers become embroiled in a world of performance-enhancing drugs and ruthless gang rivalry Now deadly rivals the only way to resolve their differences is in a challenge to the death 1990 Hong Kong Martial Action Film After refusing to take a power-enhancing drug with hallucinogenic side effects kickboxer Jack is dropped by his manager Desperate for money he takes his teammate Kevin s offer to deliver some drugs in a set-up to take business away from a local crime boss Jack ends up in prison along with Axel who was caught in a similar deal They meet Wilfredo Jose and Ramon in jail and they plan a successful escape splitting into two groups after Wilfredo Jose and Ramon start robbing banks but become deadly enemies when Wilfredo decides to go straight after falling in love He is gunned down by a hitman because of his association with Jack Axel also dies in a fight with Kevin Corrupt fight promoter Parker agrees to set up a fight between now blood-rivals Kevin and Jack and bets heavily on Jack In order to ensure his success he pumps Jack full of the experimental drug which brings out Jack s ultimate fighting power while making Kevin appear as a fearsome robot to Jack Director Godfrey Ho Stars Steve Brettingham Nick Brandon Frank Wheatley Clive Sayers Alternate titles Kickboxers Os Fora da Lei Portuguese Os Intoc veis do Ringue Portuguese Rings Untouchable

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