Relaxing Music Out Of Body So Potent YOU WILL BE FLYING IN NO TIME Deep Sleep Music Out Of Body

16 Jul 2021

Relaxing Music Out Of Body So Potent YOU WILL BE FLYING IN NO TIME Deep Sleep Music Out Of Body By Theta Realms - Brainwave Sound Journeys A fresh new creation for the 9 dimensions Most Powerful Astral Projection Binaural Beats series called THE GREAT LIBERATION is all-new for the reimagined 9 dimensions series from theta realms There is music for astral projection and then there is a theta realms brainwave sound journey The great liberation is a one-of-a-kind original theta realms creation for theta meditation and out-of-body experience music needs I wanted a more relaxing astral projection kind of vibe for this entry and got a great mix of mystical mysterious sounds and a chilled-out melodic touch Powerful custom settings and a new dive ripe exploration and great enjoyment and the deeper you go the more rewarding it gets so sleep onset is a certainty in the long run Typical the 9 dimensions series has more intense themes and designs but the settings and combo are also paired well with a different format such as this new one I just created The original combo still holds very strong even with constant alterations for each series The fundamentals that made the original series so awesome are back again and it's glorious and enjoyable So take the time for yourself and relax and enjoy sleep or meditation or even just enjoyment It is my pleasure to share the great liberation as the new soundtrack to the 9D series Perfect rhythmic guidance sets the mood so that you will be flying in no time The rest is always up to the person on how they meditate and their dominant thoughts and unique life paths So remember even if you do not have any spiritual beliefs or perceive the idea of astral perception to be nothing you can always still enjoy it as a powerful theta meditation because that is what it is at the heart of it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Experience out-of-body music perception with this potent deep theta one-of-a-kind creation from theta realms and always journey well As always you can also enjoy it from a practical outlook regardless of your spiritual beliefs as enjoyment is also the main focus of the music as with all music in general Don't forget to enjoy the process if you don't like the music do find something more suited for your needs DOWNLOAD WAV - MP3 FILE OF THIS SINGLE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR FULL ACCESS - a https 3A 2F 2Fthetarealms bandcamp com 2Falbum 2Frelaxing-music-out-of-body-so-potent-you-will-be-flying-in-no-time-deep-sleep-music-out-of-body a A truly POWERFUL OUT OF BODY MEDITATION Indeed and it will surely make you love it or hate it As people fear and comfort levels differ significantly Remember that I create my music for enjoyment and exploration and meditation needs not to be a how-to channel guiding each person Life is in your hand's friends and so is your meditation and health and dominant thinking patterns I create the brainwave sound journeys to explore and enjoy and cherish WHY THE 9 DIMENSIONS Because it is a great series that originated with nine tonal assists in the settings called 9 dimensions FOR THEGREAT LIBERATION BRAINWAVE SOUND JOURNEY THE ORIGINAL 9 TONE COMBO IS BACK Please Rate share and comment and stay tuned for Much More Music Custom Composed by Mr Theta for Theta Realms Theta Realms Brainwave Sound Journeys Creates best Lucid Dreaming music to induce Lucid Dreams and extremely powerful Binaural Beats Brainwave Theta Meditation Music and Best Astral Projection Music to navigate what many call the Astral Plane Amazing Theta Binaural Beats and custom Music created for Out of Body Perception Relaxation and Enjoyment All Music Custom Composed and Created by Mr Theta for Theta Realms - Brainwave Sound Journeys TM 2021 c All rights reserved - on youtube since 2008 and created in 2003 as a vision This is the official home page of theta realms - brainwave sound journeys I own all rights to my music creations ThetaRealms BrainwaveSoundJourneys OutOfBodyMusic AstralProjectionMusic IsochronicTones DeepSleepMusicOutOfBody AstralProjectionOutOfBodyExperience ThetaBinauralBeats RelaxingAstralProjection

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