Q'uo The Sub Densities

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
19 Feb 2022

Quo In addition to the general seven or eight densities of our octave Ra also describes sub-densities within each density In regards to our current third density can you describe these sub-densities in more detail How do we experience them and how can this knowledge help us on our spiritual journey This is a query which has an answer that stretches to what you would call infinity For each of your sub-densities within your third density illusion is composed of further sub-densities Seven is the number which is critical in this overview of your third density experience So within your third density are seven sub-densities within each of these sub-densities are seven more sub-densities and so on So that there is an infinity of refinement to your experience of this decision-making density The decision that each of you seeks to make in a definitive way is the decision as to how you will polarize your consciousness to continue your journey of seeking past this third density illusion For more on q'uo check out llresearch org

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