Q'uo How Do We Create Our Reality

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
19 Feb 2022

We are those known to you as the principle of Q uo and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator whose service we share with you We thank you for forming a circle of seeking on this snowy day It is a blessing to us to respond to your request for thoughts on the notion that beliefs can change your future We are aware that in the sense that the world sees things this may be very difficult to grasp However we believe it is correct and we would be glad to share some thoughts about it First of all we must remember the creation that you experience and the creation that shall we say is the reality of which the creation is the illusion are very very close together but are not the same thing The illusion is as close as a heartbeat to reality but is invested with physicality so that you are actually a traveler in two worlds at the same time the world of your outer experience and the world of your inner experience To suggest that the inner experience influences the outer experience would not be to suggest something very unusual For it is clear to all of those in the circle how much difference a person s attitude can make with regard to most situations faced Certainly it is easy to see that the glad smile or the way of making light of some perceived difficulty will always create an atmosphere of the people around one if not the self to feel better about an existing situation

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