Q'uo And The Law Of One - The Lighthouse Level
In working towards graduation the Player can assume that the energy body is a closed system and successfully achieve graduation using that assumption Just as the physical body is basically a field of energy holding within it many lesser energy fields such as organs and systems so the energy body can be seen to be a field of energy holding within it the lesser energy fields of the chakras When the Player has achieved the ability to stay within the open heart and to make positively polarized choices on a consistent basis he is ready to face graduation with a serene mind Using the gateway is not necessary for graduation However once the maturing Player has had a taste of the pleasures of working in consciousness the gateway to intelligent infinity beckons with its enhanced menu of choices for advanced work Yes guidance is being requested from above The gateway is in use But the Player can see himself as a supplicant rather than as a Co-creator To go further it is necessary to emphasize the open nature of the energy body s field as well as our co-Creatorship as Players Q uo says There comes a time to lay down a piece of crystallized pain that is emotional mental or spiritual in nature You will know when that time comes We do not encourage you to hurry yourself However it is indeed a wise person who harvests such crystallized pain realizes it thanks it and moves on It is not necessary to carry behind you that great sack which bears the accumulated pain of your incarnation The Player then according to the Confederation is challenged to lay aside the selfhood which includes any and all old material He is no longer the one who is ill He is no longer the one who has had bad luck with jobs He is not the person whose relationships have gone awry He is a new being Q'uo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions This information is mindblowing Here we discuss accessing what Carla and Q'uo call the lightouse lever For more on q'uo check out llresearch org Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations new lectures recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule
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