My Ridiculously Easy Formula For Finding Good Clients

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
01 Feb 2022

Did you know there is a formula for finding good clients Watch this video to find out more Read more on my blog

TRANSCRIPTION Welcome back to another video with Maria Wendt Today we're answering the question how can I find good clients And I'm going to be sharing with you my ridiculously easy formula for finding those good clients So before we get started though I wanna make sure you're subscribed because I share daily videos on marketing your business building your brand and ultimately making more money and getting more clients So if you haven't yet subscribed just hover over there's a profile picture of me and then a little subscribe button's gonna pop up Just click that button to make sure you don't miss any of my videos With that being said let's go ahead and get started So when you want to start this whole formula for finding good clients the first thing that you're gonna start with is to spend time branding yourself and getting really clear on what it is you want and how you want to be seen That's the first step in all of this So when I set up to really create a formula create a system for getting new clients the first thing that I did was I got very clear on what kind of brand I wanted how I wanted to be perceived Did I want to be a high end marketer high end coach high end strategist Or did I want to be on the low end And so all of these kinds of questions are so important to answer when you're wanting to get more good clients So the first thing you gotta do is you gotta brand yourself and spend some time figuring out how you want to be positioned in your industry The second thing that you need to do is you need to clearly communicate what it is you want to be known for So you spend some time figuring out what your brand message is you're really clear on what your ideal client needs now you've got to clearly communicate that and if you can't clearly communicate your value you're gonna struggle to find clients So the second thing that you need to do is spend sometime clearly communicating that value that you have Third thing that's crucial in this formula to get good clients is to spend time helping people for free I mean really spend some time with it Don't just answer a couple questions here and there really invest in helping people out I've done this for the last five years and I've been booked solid with clients I've always had clients coming to work with me I've never done ads I've never had to work really hard to be salesy or to sell because I've always invested my time in helping people And videos like this are a classic example I'm just helping you get more clients and this is something that I love to do So shift your attitude a little bit and start helping people out more and you'll find that the clients really do come to you The fourth thing that you need to do is you need to set up a system or funnel that's going to attract the right people This is what I help my clients do I help them set up a system that's going to help get them good clients their ideal clients their soulmate clients their dream clients whatever it is you wanna call it there are people out there that you wanna work with because they light you up and those are the kind of clients that I'm gonna help you get So the fourth thing that you need to do set up a funnel to actually get those clients and it's an organic funnel no paid ads no complicated tech I help you set it up But it is a system that is going to get you more clients The fifth thing that I do and the fifth thing in my formula for getting good clients is I pay attention to my gut and I don't hire clients that have red flags I just don't work with clients that aren't a good fit for me and that has served my business so well in the long run because I've gotten to focus on working with people that actually light me up and that I enjoy working with The sixth thing that I do the sixth part of this formula is I do a great job and I get a lot of referrals So referrals are a huge part of my business because I have a high standard for the kind of work that I do My clients always see results always love working with me and they're always sending their friends back to me and this has been a huge part of how I get clients So for you if you aren't getting referrals right now the first thing is you might not be asking for them but the second thing is how great of a job are you doing So that's the sixth thing that I recommend doing

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