Lessons Only Love Can Teach

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
19 Feb 2022

Is there anyone who hasn't had a heartache Is there anyone who hasn't won something and lost it Is there anyone who doesn't feel lonely at times Who doesn't look out and wonder why someone else has a relationship they don't or how they got into the relationship they did These are moments in which Love herself Divine Love is trying to educate us to teach us Whenever we love someone even a natural wonder or common creature we know that our own higher emotional state awakens in us a kind of exalted energy one that seems to melt barriers and that brings us into relationship with our beloved in ways beyond our understanding Not only does this unseen force of life grant us access to the secret regions of our beloved's heart but in some mysterious way it also forges a union between what were formerly separate beings two become as one for as long as this permeating presence prevails What do these insights teach us In many ways yet to be discovered Love is the invisible Third Party that makes it possible for any two people to be in love she is the invisible common ground that allows them to be united in a place and time that neither may know without the other Love is the catalyst of their completion within one another even as she is the one Heart being shared between them And if all this sounds a bit mysterious that's because Love is a Grand Mystery

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