How To Network If You re An Introvert
The Introvert's Guide To Networking Discover
Last week I went to a conference called ClamourCon I saw something that really surprised me In fact it wasn t a something but a someone This person a self professed introvert was one of the best networked people I know with connections from Holly wood to the venture capital world to personal development world Once I found this out about him I began to ask him how that all came about and that s what I want to share with you today His name by the way is Evan Carmichael he s a YouTuber who makes inspiring content for entrepreneurs I ll put a link to his channel in the description So here s what I saw from him First off redefine what constitutes a networking event Most things with networking in the title are a complete waste of time It attracts people who are looking to develop a network instead of a relationship And it s especially bad if you re an introvert since you ll be competing with a bunch of other people hungry to share their story and what they are working on Evan's Channel a https 3A 2F 2Fwww youtube com 2Fuser 2FModelingTheMasters a 0 50 Redefine your networking philosophy as per Evan Carmichael 2 15 Be open to people and have confidence and believe in yourself 3 28 Know what people want which is easier for an introvert 5 07 Play matchmaker and help others in their self improvement
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