How To INSTANTLY Connect With Anyone
Oprah Winfrey has a superpower For over 30 years people who speak to her have not been able to help but to open up sometimes crying expressing joy or just showing the most vulnerable parts of themselves That ability propelled Oprah to a net worth of four billion dollars not to mention launching books to the top of the bestsellers list and Dr Phil's television career So in this video we are going to explore how and why Oprah is the best connector that I have ever covered on this channel And you're gonna learn how to live so that people will naturally find themselves opening up and connecting with you First off Oprah sets the stage to connect literally Unlike many other TV show hosts she is famous for walking the aisles of her studio audience and for sitting on the same couch as her guests Later on she would actually go into their homes for intimate interviews Now the lack of physical barriers such as a desk tends to make two people feel more connected and that's why you are more likely to find a spark on a first date if you sit adjacent to your date rather than being separated by a table 0 33 Set the situation so connecting is easy 1 17 Connect physically and emotionally 2 58 It's easier to open up if there's eye contact 3 29 Actively listen and paraphrase accordingly 4 38 Call out whenever there are commonalities
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