How To Get Some Fast Cash In Your Business Like A Boss
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TRANSCRIPT Hello everyone Welcome to another video with Maria Wendt and today we're talking about how to get some quick cash in your business like a boss So if you haven't already subscribed to my YouTube channel all you have to do is hover over there's a little profile image of me somewhere and then there's a red button that's going to pop up it's going to say 'subscribe' and just click that You're going to want to do that if you don't want to miss out on any of my marketing hacks my branding strategies and all the little secrets I share to make more money online With that being said let's go ahead and get started with today's video So the question that we're answering today is how can I get some quick cash in my business And you'd be surprised by how many people need this and how many people talk about this When you're starting a business there's a lot of investments you need to make and cashflow really can be an issue so I'm going to share a couple of things that I did when I was first starting my business five years ago to make some quick money Now before I start though what I wanted you to know is that these ways to get quick cash aren't always a good long term strategy for your brand These are things you want to do intentionally and rarely because they are going to some of them might hurt your brand in the short term and you don't want that so this is not a good long term strategy this is a way to just get some cashflow in your business So just know that the things I'm sharing aren't a good long term strategy for your business these are quick fix solutions So the first thing that I did a long time ago and I started my business about five years ago I wanted to hire a business coach I wasn't making any money at the time I was just getting started but I really knew I needed to invest in someone in order to get more clients So what I did was I posted a really cheap offer to a couple of Facebook groups and I made like 1800 in a night It was like that because I was offering I want to say logos for like 200 maybe it was really cheap and I got a lot of people picking me up on that It was a lot of work Again it wasn't a good long term strategy but I did make enough money to put the down payment on working with this coach and then working with her I got more clients and I made my money back So it was a fantastic way for me to work with someone who could help me get more clients The first way is to post cheap offers into a Facebook group Not a good strategy long term good for a one time thing The second thing that I did when I was first getting started this was a long time ago like 2011 2012 was I freelanced on what is now called Upwork but at the time it was called Odesk and it's a freelance networking site where you're not getting paid a ton of money but you are getting paid some cash and it's a way for you to kind of supplement what you are or aren't making yet in your actual real business So doing some freelancing on what would be now Upwork would be a good way to get some cash in your business right now while still protecting your overall brand in your real business So if you're a marketer for example or you're a social media strategist and you aren't really getting clients in your actual business yet or you aren't getting a lot you can supplement your income on Upwork and it's a great way to get some cash in your business The third thing that you can do is something that I did when I needed to make a high level investment I actually got a loan through PayPal working capital If you really want to invest in something to get you to the next level I recommend that you look into that It's a really good way to get some cashflow coming in and they don't run a credit score check it's based on your PayPal history so there's not really interest either so it's just a really good way to get cashflow in and then you pay them back a percentage of the sales that come in So as you make money you pay them back So it's just a really good way for businesses to get a cashflow in And a lot of my clients do that when they want to work with me because they know that working with me is going to take their business to the next level They're going to get clients they're going to grow their business It's a really good strategy And as they make more money they pay their loan back So look into PayPal working capital if you're interested in working with me or you want to make more money online to get some quick cash that's a good solution to look at
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