How To Dominate Any Social Situation

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
29 Oct 2021

How Littlefinger Controls The Game of Thrones

Littlefinger Is probably the single best player in the Game of Thrones He s indirectly led to the downfall of at least 3 major houses and has advanced his station at every opportunity In this video we re going to do an analysis on what it is that he does that makes him win and how deviating from his strategy may lead him to the end of his winning streak 2 caveats First spoilers through season 6 and some speculation into season 7 And two don t do the things little finger does It s fun to analyze Littlefinger manipulations and learn how you can avoid them in your own life - Sansa Stark would benefit for certain - just don t be a liar and backstabber It s not cool Let s begin - Game of Thrones is all about power Some people like Cersei use their position to command others Or people like the Mountain who literally just dominate through brute force But in the long run it s those who wield power more subtly who excel at the game And perhaps no one is more subtle the Petyr Baelish He is the ultimate power player in the game because he gets other people to do what he wants without them even knowing he s influenced them 01 10 Littlefinger got the power subtly and not by force in Game of Thrones 07 53 Cersei Lannister is opposite of Petyr Baelish in terms of subtlety 08 14 Petyr Baelish in HBO Game of Thrones lets other think they control him 09 46 Marriage scene with Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister 13 15 Littlefinger talks to Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark

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