How To Deal With The Narcissist

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
19 Feb 2022

One question I am asked often is how to deal with a narcissist Recently I had a complicated and confusing experience with someone projecting extremely narcissistic behavior towards me Lying about me and attempting to trigger and attack me using manipulative tactics How do we deal with the Narcissism Of course our teachings tell us to love them imagine them differently to find this aspect in ourselves But there is more to it It is like a virus and it can infect you You must be tired of them They re everywhere And if you think there are more of them than ever you re right Research shows we are experiencing a narcissism epidemic From The Narcissism Epidemic Living in the Age of Entitlement In data from 37 000 college students narcissistic personality traits rose just as fast as obesity from the 1980s to the present with the shift especially pronounced for women The rise in narcissism is accelerating with scores rising faster in the 2000s than in previous decades Now we all have a little narcissism in us and these days we have a lot more than we need around us Let s learn more about what narcissism is how to deal with narcissists For this may be the real epidemic Music By Mettaverse deep relaxation 777hz sacred stillness inner worlds infinite within sacred bliss

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