How to Align with the Bounty of the Universe Day 1 of 2 Day Masterclass Series

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
08 Sep 2024

How to Align with the Bounty of the Universe Sacred Light Healing Masterclass DAY 1 Join us for this powerful 2-day masterclass How to Align with the Bounty of the Universe designed for those ready to step into their divine purpose Over these two days you ll experience the profound impact of Sacred Light Technologies advanced spiritual tools that accelerate healing and transformation On Day 1 we ll clear deep-rooted patterns of lack through these multidimensional technologies releasing old energies that block your abundance By connecting with your shadow self and ancestral wisdom you ll dissolve trauma and fragmentation creating space for healing Day 2 takes this further anchoring the frequencies of Bounty Abundance and Joy as we activate your intuitive gifts and align you with higher realms of consciousness Sacred Light Technologies will guide you every step of the way helping you embody a new truth and manifest your heart s desires with ease Get ready to co-create a New Earth aligned with love light and limitless abundance

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