How To Actually Hit Your Income Goals This Month Even If You've Failed Before

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
01 Feb 2022

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TRANSCRIPTION Hello everyone Welcome to another video with Maria Wendt and today I'm gonna teach you guys how to hit your income goals even if you haven't before I'm gonna give you all my little secrets and strategies Before we get started just kinda hover over my profile image here you're gonna see a red button that says subscribe and hit that button if you want all my little marketing hacks all my branding secrets everything I do to make more money and get more clients online Let's go ahead and get started So if you haven't hit your income goals before you're probably feeling discouraged You know I set a 5K income goals or a 10K income goal or a 20K income goals and I haven't hit it and that can be discouraging But what I'm gonna walk you through is how to hit your income goals even if you've messed up before So the first thing you need to do when you really wanna hit your income goals is actually write a game plan for how you're going to hit those income goals Too many entrepreneurs think Oh I wanna have a five figure month or a 10K month or whatever it is But they don't have a clear game plan on how they're actually going to make that happen I made another video explaining how to write a monthly game plan so you can find that I'll probably link to it below or you can just go to my YouTube channel and find it that way But I basically walk you through how to set a monthly game plan So you gotta actually write that down and make sure you have that That's your first step The second thing that you need to do is put that game plan everywhere So we were talking about this a little bit in the last video but put it everywhere Put it on your mirror put it in your bed so it's the first thing you see when you wake up and it's the last thing you see when you go to bed Put it on your desk really put it anywhere where you're gonna see it and it's gonna remind you of what you're working towards this month Third thing you need to do is do daily assessments on where you are at with your income goal before you go to bed So if you wrote the game plan out you'll know how much you need to make every month every week and basically every day and you can do daily assessments to see where you're at with that goal I usually would do weekly assessments because I sell higher end packages and so it makes more sense for me to do it that way rather than a daily income goal But people like to do it different ways But either way be doing daily or weekly assessments just to see where you're at in the month so you're not surprised at the end of the month when you haven't hit your income goal Finally what you need to do is set your daily intentions the night before So you have goals and you've written your game plan and you probably know what you need to be doing every single day And so what you need to do is before you go to bed at night set your daily intentions for how the next day is gonna go So you know I'm gonna put myself out there I'm gonna promote myself my ideal client's on its way whatever you need to do to get into the mindset of abundance where you're thinking clients are everywhere I just need to go out and find them You know you cultivate an abundance mindset and set the intention the day before so that or the night before so that when you wake up that next day you've got fresh energy you're feeling good you're feeling positive and that will translate into more clients for you So guys hopefully this helped you a little bit gave you some strategies for hitting your income goals every month If you have more questions drop them in the comments below or if you want all my little free stuff that I have on making more money online getting more clients booking yourself solid all of the stuff that I have on marketing branding and business strategies you can go to my website mariawendt com I have it all written out here for you Lot's of good stuff there Check it out if you haven't already Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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