How Empaths Argue But Not Fight With Narcissists

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
08 Nov 2021

How Empaths Argue But Not Fight With Narcissists Empaths and narcissists share a complicated relationship and they are easily attracted to each other Like all other relationships they also have conflicts that need to be sorted out that sometimes end in an argument The relationship of a narcissist and an empath can be called toxic Other people will not understand it but they know how to keep their relationship moving forward even if they have arguments What do you do to avoid disputes How do you approach arguments so they will not lead to fighting 00 00 INTRO 00 23 10 Empaths know that they should not argue about the right and wrong'' 01 11 09 Empaths know that narcissists want them to empathize with their feelings 01 58 08 Empaths know that there will be no apology from the narcissist 02 47 07 Empaths know better than to provoke a narcissist so they listen 03 27 06 Empaths work on seeing their similarities 04 09 05 Empaths know that there is no you or I There is always a we 04 52 04 Empaths ask a narcissist about a topic that they are interested in 05 46 03 Empaths ask for advice from the narcissist 06 44 02 Empaths tell them something accurate and complimentary 07 29 01 Empaths know they should not take the bait

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