Horizon Zero Dawn The Movie
The story is set approximately one thousand years in the future in a world where humans have regressed to primitive tribal societies as a result of some unknown calamity Their technologically advanced predecessors are vaguely remembered as the Old Ones Large robotic creatures known merely as machines now dominate the Earth Horizon Zero Dawn Description The story is set in the 31st century in a world where humans live in scattered tribal-like populations with limited access to technology Their technologically advanced predecessors are remembered as the Old Ones Large robotic creatures known as machines dominate the Earth For the most part they peacefully coexist with humans who occasionally hunt them for parts However a phenomenon known as the Derangement has caused machines to become more aggressive towards humans and larger and deadlier machines have begun to appear Developer Guerrilla Games Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment Engine Decima Platform PC PlayStation 4 Release 28 February 2017 Mode Single-player Contents of this video 0 00 - Intro 09 05 - Happy Birthday Isaac 21 49 - Years of Training 1 04 28 - The Proving 1 15 15 - Are you my mother 2 26 36 - A kick in the ass 3 40 35 - Face to Face 5 35 29 - The Bad News 5 45 30 - The Good News 6 22 41 - Kill Her 6 30 35 - Alpha Registry Restored 6 37 05 - GAIA vs Hades 7 45 29 - Master Override Activated 7 48 22 - 3rd February 2065 HorizonZeroDawn GuerrillaGames
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