Henry Thomas Hamblin - Dynamic Thought - Success And Character Building Lesson 1

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
05 Jul 2021

THE objects of this course are 1 To alter your mental attitude and 2 To direct your thoughts into those channels which lead to success achievement health happiness and perfect good 3 The arousing of the inward POWER and 4 The overcoming of bad habits 5 The building up of character and 6 The discovery and development of the creative faculty How these are accomplished will be explained to you in their proper place and at the proper time but first of all I want you to consider thoughtfully what is before you It is not exactly an easy road which you have chosen No path that leads upward ever is The path of victory is always thorny but when the thorns hurt the feet most we can console ourselves with the thought that the path really does lead somewhere and we know definitely that it leads to Success Achievement Happiness and Satisfaction Difficulties there will be disappointments failures and set-backs but to him who sets his face towards the light and will keep steadily onward there must come success and accomplishment and victory above all expectation If now you merely read this and pass on the amount of good that it will do you will be none at all This course is useless if you do not do it reading it will do you little or no good it is the doing of it that will change your character and your life Therefore stop now and think carefully over the path that lies before you estimate its difficulties do not think lightly of them be prepared for difficulty and make up your mind here and now to conquer You may have failed in the past but this time you must you will and you shall overcome every difficulty and weakness and achieve dominion over yourself victory over your circumstances and complete control over your life THERE MUST AND SHALL BE NO FAILURE THIS TIME THIS TIME YOU ARE GOING TO SUCCEED THROUGH THE POWER THAT IS WITHIN YOU AFFIRMATION Within me are infinite powers seeking expression In the past because I did not know of their existence they have been stifled and suppressed Now I will that they shall be called into activity and find perfect and full expression in my body in the form of perfect health in my life in the form of success and achievement in my heart in the form of a mighty upwelling of joy and happiness Now that I have discovered this hidden and inexhaustible store of power and energy my life is transformed weakness gives place to strength sorrow to happiness morbidness to radiant joy pessimism to divine optimism despair to hope failure to success poverty to prosperity sickness to health Henceforth only the highest good can come into my life Now by the power of my thought-forces I am allied with and joined to the Infinite Principle of Good and we have become one Henceforth for me there is and can be no evil only Infinite Good All evil is now cast out of my life because I am one with the Infinite Good No evil can come nigh my dwelling nothing can harm or destroy Henceforth by scientific thinking I control my life for my life is the result or effect of my thoughts When evil thoughts or weak thoughts or impure thoughts or failure thoughts or fear thoughts or poverty thoughts or hate thoughts or disease thoughts assail me I will cast them out and think only of thoughts of love and strength of health and prosperity of success and achievement and of the Infinite Perfection with which I am now allied and of which I form a part

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