Guiding Force MANIFEST ANYTHING Listen while you Sleep Meditation

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
09 Sep 2024

UNCOVER THE SECRETS OF ATTRACTION a https 3A 2F 2Fwww dauchsymeditation com 2F a Guiding Force MANIFEST ANYTHING Listen while you Sleep Meditation I believe we all have something deep inside us that guides us as if our life was created for a specific purpose Sometimes it feels like God put us on this earth to follow his specific plan but that plan is so profound that it is not something that can fit in our memory or our minds It is something that we have to decipher like a puzzle we must sort and piece together throughout our lives The thoughts that enter our minds from seemingly nowhere the feelings that can both paralyze us with fear or motivate us beyond any obstacle the circumstances we are placed in that seem just beyond coincidence Where does it all come from This purpose that we are given will fill us with absolute joy and fulfillment though the journey will be treacherous dangerous and daunting It will test us at every corner just to make sure we have the conviction to believe the faith to follow something we cannot yet see or understand It is the adventure of our lifetime The beauty of it all is that we always have a choice Do we follow that voice that beckons us forward or not The decision will never be easy We will always be tempted by money by the promise of a safe secure life We may be misled by the opinions of others We may give up because we lack faith or the belief that our purpose was all just a figment of our imagination and all our efforts are for nothing A life of pursuit and suffering with no reward at the end of it all Choosing a path that is not our purpose does not mean we cannot live a good life a life of wealth and prosperity But we will know deep in our heart that something is missing as the light in our eyes slowly fades as we live the rest of our lives unfulfilled wishing we had the courage to follow our heart The purpose we were given it may fill us with fear It may seem impossible to accomplish But when we do choose to follow that given path when we choose to follow the adventure of our lives something incredible happens It s as if all the universe conspires to help us accomplish it Sometimes this force will come in the form of a solution or a good idea at a crucial moment just when we is about to give up on our dreams Wonderful coincidences seemingly magical forces will appear with impossibly perfect timing that will allow us to overcome any obstacle and achieve these dreams I cannot tell you what this force is the subconscious mind the law of attraction the universe God but I do know that it exists and it is an incredibly powerful force that will guide you This meditation was created to help you open your mind to this wonderful guide to help you see the invisible forces that move the world around us and of course to manifest your purpose your adventure of a lifetime your dreams into your reality This may just be the first small step on your incredible journey In this meditation when you choose what you want to manifest just relax and listen to what your mind is telling you Even if it seems odd or unlikely even if it seems shallow or insignificant Listen to the desires in your heart whether it is wealth or love work or pleasure listen to that voice that guides you

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