Guided Meditation - Manifestation Acceleration Programming
Meditation starts at 1 07 Often times people expect their manifestations to occur far into the future Many contact me saying Brian is their anyway to speed up my manifestations Your manifestations are slow because that is how you created them Believing in the efficient and quick manifestations of your reality can be difficult I designed this too program your mind to accelerate your manifestations A portion of this mediation uses binaural affirmations where you are hearing different affirmations in each ear This is a powerful technique that you can use anytime to circumvent your conscious mind and recreate a belief system in which anything is possible Welcome to the Reality Revolution Music By Mettaverse golden lotus infinite light holy frequency schumann resonance always now luminous the primordial sound subtle energy solar winds deep theta replenish the whole self Listen on Soundcloud a http 3A 2F 2Fbit ly 2F2KjGlL a Follow them on Instagram a http 3A 2F 2Fbit ly 2F2JW8BU2 a Join them on Facebook a http 3A 2F 2Fbit ly 2F2G1j7G6 a Subscribe to their channel here a https 3A 2F 2Fwww youtube com 2Fchannel 2FUCyvjffON2NoUvX5q TgvVkw a Guided Meditations a https 3A 2F 2Fwww youtube com 2Fplaylist 3Flist 3DPLKv1KCSKwOo BfNnb5vLcwouInskcEhqL a For all episodes of the Reality Revolution a https 3A 2F 2Fwww therealityrevolution com a Join our facebook group The Reality Revolution a https 3A 2F 2Fwww facebook com 2Fgroups 2F403122083826082 2F a Contact us at media advancedsuccessinsitute com meditation guidedmeditation manifestation lawofattraction quantumjump TotalHumanOptimization
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