Guided Affirmation for Increasing Feelings of Ease I AM Affirmation Law of Attraction

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
02 Oct 2021

This is a guided affirmation for telling the new story of your ease I AM meditations and affirmations help you change the course of your reality by creating new momentum in the direction you wish your life to go However the real power in affirmations and intention is to FEEL it If you are just repeating words or goals not much in your vibrational energy system is going to change and your personal power is limited Neuroscience suggests that if you can get yourself into a relaxed meditative state and then from that place really FEEL what it is like to be living the life you want with the feelings of ease flow and grace no matter how hard you think things are at the moment then your brain doesn't know the difference between your experienced reality and the one you are thinking about Once you have told the new story about how everything is getting easier and easier you will find some relief from feelings of fear when we are challenging ourselves to make changes Start telling the story of your amazing life and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it Rhonda Byrne THE SECRET Our guided affirmation meditations are designed to help you practise new thoughts in the direction you really want to go Make the switch from your default settings of lack insecurity and not enough-ness to feeling the abundance prosperity ease and flow that is your true and natural nature If you are new to meditation we recommend you listen to a relaxation or breathing meditation first to get into a relaxed meditative state Get into a comfortable position sitting or lying down close your eyes and relax breathe deeply and tune into the feelings ease Love and blessings from Jess meditation guidedmeditation meditate

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