Full Body Detox Physical Body Healing Stimulate Immunity Cleanse Infection Binaural Beats

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
25 Jan 2022

Full Body Detox Physical Body Healing Stimulate Immunity Cleanse Infection Pain Relief - Binaural Beats FSGV33 by Good Vibes - Binaural Beats ALWAYS PLAY THIS MUSIC IN LOW VOLUME BECAUSE OF FREQUENCIES USED IN THIS MUSIC This session tends to reduce pain physically and energetically The alpha binaural beat used in this meditation music helps in stimulating the immunity and heal your both body and mind It gives you a feeling of unity Note To experience the best sound Use a pair of headphones Listen to this music in a quiet place for at least 20 minutes daily If Possible If you are a beginner then don't try to fit too much at once Love From Good Vibes

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