Everything is a lie including this video

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
14 Oct 2021

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I really hope you find this interesting but please note this is a heavily dramatized analysis for effect I do believe the topics covered are important but obviously I do not actually think we should doubt everything This video is NOT suggesting you should abandon all your beliefs it s a reminder to be aware of the biases we all have so we can try to make better choices I think it's healthy to question things and that includes this video The video is best watched as a whole as it is supposed to be a journey that starts off by exploring surface level topics like fake news but then begins to descend deeper and deeper into the lies until we re left questioning everything 2 This video is clearly more cynical than some of my other content That s partially because I think this dark documentary vibe is interesting unique and something I want to explore more of but it s also because I truly believe there is a major problem in our society right now where lies spread so quickly and easily Whilst these concepts may be nothing new to you I hope it at least makes us all stop to question things slightly more That said obviously I do not actually think we should doubt literally everything and no I don t think all of the media is evil or that we are just brains in vats My point was that the things we believe to be certain are not necessarily certain This doesn t mean we should stop believing in everything it s simply a reminder to be aware of the biases we all have so we can try to make better choices 3 I briefly use a Pewdiepie clip and imply portions of the media twisted things to demonize him I know a small minority may think I am defending anti-Semitism so I just want to clarify I am NOT at all My point which hopefully the vast majority would agree with is that Pewdiepie is not a Nazi-sympathiser and yet sections of the media portrayed him that way so I felt it was a good example of how the media can present such a one-sided narrative 4 Near the beginning I say the term fake news originated in 2016 I'm not saying fake news didn t exist prior to that what I mean is it became a mainstream expression around that time largely thanks to the Malaysian fake news sites mentioned I also want to stress this video is not partisan at all Yes the term fake news has become more politicized recently but it is not a right or left issue it s an everyone issue All materials in these videos are used for educational purposes and fall within the rules of fair use

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