Estrangement The Secret That So Many Women Hide

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
03 Aug 2021

The word estrangement is such a harsh and even 'ugly' word It is a secret that so many women in our Sixty and Me Community keep to themselves The sound of the world just makes you feel sad It signifies the end of a relationship with an adult child family member or friend can be one of the most devastating emotional traumas in life In this video we discuss how 67 million people in the United States are estranged from someone and how that has an impact on both emotional and physical health We talk about how an estrangement begins and some ideas for softening the relationship and even rebuilding it If you have experienced familial estrangement what helped you to heal the rift What advice would you give to others in this situation Resources Christine Field Website a https 3A 2F 2Fwww realmomlife com 2F a Christine Field Parents of Estranged Children Facebook Page a https 3A 2F 2Fwww facebook com 2Fgroups 2F225104114672108 2F a Read More a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2Festrangement-the-secret-so-many-hide 2F a Other Videos on Estrangement Estrangement The Secret So Many Hide a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2Festrangement-the-secret-so-many-hide 2F a 11Ways to Heal from Adult Child Estrangement a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2F11-ways-to-heal-from-adult-child-estrangement 2F a Abandoned Mom a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2Fabandoned-mom 2F a Talking About Estranged Adult Children and Healing Advice a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2Ftalking-about-estranged-adult-children-and-some-healing-advice 2F a Letting Go as a Mom of Grown Children a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2Fletting-go-as-a-mom-of-grown-children-is-there-ever-a-time-when-detachment-is-a-healthy-idea 2F a 7 Ways Therapy Can Help Estranged Parents a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2F7-ways-therapy-can-help-estranged-parents 2F a The Detachment Wall - How to Let Go of Your Adult Children a https 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2Fthe-detachment-wall-how-to-let-go-of-your-adult-children 2F a MAKE MORE FRIENDS THIS YEAR If you believe in our mission to improve the lives of women over 60 please consider supporting us on Patreon Learn how here a https 3A 2F 2Fwww patreon com 2Fsixtyandme a GET MORE FROM SIXTY AND ME Subscribe to our newsletter a https 3A 2F 2Fapp monstercampaigns com 2Fc 2Fnz10ws1ql656rrzkqocf 2F a Subscribe to my YouTube channel a http 3A 2F 2Fwww youtube com 2Fsubscription center 3Fadd user 3Dsixtyandme a Also remember to check out everything Sixty and Me has to offer here a http 3A 2F 2Fsixtyandme com 2Fstart a TheSecretThatSoManyWomenHide SixtyAndMe

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