Dr Frank B Robinson Psychiana Lesson 20 Unlimited Supply

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
19 Feb 2022

We finally reach the last lesson of the first advanced course by Frank B Robinson So far it has been a quite enlightening set of lectures and excercises Dear friend and fellow-student I am sorry that our journey together through this remarkable Spiritual Realm must come to an end All things in this material world come to an end sooner or later and I assure you that it is with a feeling of intense regret that I leave you for the time being Our journey and our associations together have been pleasant The thousands of students all over the world who have studied under me have been a source of continual joy Many of them have helped me more than they realize and judging by the thousands of letters I have received I perhaps have been able to be of a little assistance to them too No one realizes any more than I do the importance and the sacred responsibility of having thousands of people all over the world depending absolutely on me for proper guidance The confidence displayed by these thousands of students will never be violated I have never given them wrong information that I know of I do not claim to be perfect nor do I claim to be possessed of any supernatural power of any kind All I do claim is that I might perhaps through years of earnest search have received a picture of Spiritual Truth which could not be obtained by anyone who would give less effort to their search than I gave and yet I am more than ever convinced that Spiritual Law is natural law I am more than ever convinced that only our ignorance of the great God Realm prevents our making use of the marvelous Spiritual Power this Realm contains There is nothing supernatural in the universe nor is there anything miraculous in the universe In my private study are files after files literally teeming with letters received from students and these letters state in unmistakable language the actual material benefits which have been received through this course of study with me Among those letters are to be found remarkable cures There may be found in those files happenings which perhaps might be called miraculous to those who do not understand Spiritual Law But I still contend that no matter how unusual many of these cases are they still are but perfectly natural when viewed in the light of the Power lying inherent in the great Realm of God Your friend and teacher Frank B Robinson

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