Don't Be A YouTuber Over 40 In 2025 - DO THIS INSTEAD
Overcome Camera Shyness To Start Your Online Business With YouTube a https 3A 2F 2Fwww bigdaddydigital com 2Fcouragebeforeconfidence a Watch This Next a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2F6XQMNIMiZwM 3Fsi 3DoacDMh5SY-ygQdam a Timecodes 00 01 - The Biggest Mistake on YouTube 00 09 - Age is Just a Number 00 24 - Financial Reality Check 00 41 - The Business Owner Mindset 01 09 - Authentic Content Creation 02 09 - The Business Plan 03 02 - Overcoming Fear and Taking Action 03 33 - Building a Digital Online Business 04 39 - Testing the Market 05 20 - Creating a Lead Magnet 06 23 - The Value Ladder Strategy 08 58 - Invitation Over Sales Pressure 11 43 - Transformational Content 12 06 - Building Your Online Empire 12 27 - Final Thoughts and Next Steps Ways to Work with Me Unlock your personal brand s potential download the FREE playbook and join the 'Tea with Ste' newsletter today a https 3A 2F 2Fsteven-thompson ck page 2Fnewsletter a Join my Facebook Community 'Tea with Ste a https 3A 2F 2Fwww facebook com 2Fgroups 2Fteawithstecommunity a Book your 1-2-1 Strategy Session a https 3A 2F 2Ftidycal com 2Fbigdaddydigital 2F90-minute-personal-brand-action-meeting a Don't Become A YouTuber In 2025 Do This Instead In this enlightening video I delve into the common misconceptions about starting a YouTube channel especially for those over 40 If you're considering becoming a YouTuber in 2025 think again Instead of jumping into the YouTube world with the sole goal of being a YouTuber I suggest a more strategic approach come to YouTube as a business owner I explain why starting with a business mindset is crucial and how it can lead to greater success I share my personal journey including how I use YouTube as a traffic source to build and scale a digital business You'll learn about the importance of creating content that aligns with your vision and values and how to convert that content into digital products that generate income solopreneur onlinebusiness YouTubeOver40 personalbrand
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