Do You Make This Self-Sabotaging Mistake When Trying To Get More Clients

01 Feb 2022

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TRANSCRIPTION Welcome to yet another video with Maria Wendt and today we're asking the question are you currently making this mistake when you're trying to get more clients If you haven't already subscribed to my channel go ahead and hover over the little profile image of me a red button's going to pop up It's going to say subscribe and that's how you're going to get all kinds of marketing hacks branding secrets growing your business strategies that's going to help you make more money and get more clients So the number one mistake that most people make when they're trying to get more clients is that they're trying to be everything to everyone And you've probably heard it if you're talking to everyone you're talking to no one So if you're currently making the mistake of trying to be everything to everyone you're trying to offer generic business coaching or generic marketing strategies or whatever that might be fitness tips whatever that might be here's what you need to do to pare that down and fix this mistake First thing they need to do is niche down So if you're a health coach for example you can't just be a health coach to everyone You have to niche down because people say the riches in the niches or basically what they're saying is you've got to niche down Really what you do so for example if you're a health coach be a weight loss coach for new moms or help skinny guys put on muscle Be specific and who you're marketing so you're really going to attract their attention and they're going to want to work with you because they're going to feel like you're an expert The second thing that you need to do is do market research on once you've nailed down that niche once you know who you're working with you've got to do market research and figure out what your ideal client's desires and needs are so that you can really speak their language and talked to them in a way that they're going to be attracted to you and want to work with you The third thing that you need to do is focus up and clarify your message So now that you know who you want to work with and you know what they need their needs are you've got to spend some time really getting clear on your brand message and how you're going to speak to them so that when they're on your website they say oh my gosh I have to work with her She's the best She's totally going to help me That's what you want You want to create a moment like that where they don't even care how much you charge They just know that you're going to help get them what they want So by spending time to focus up and really clarify your message you're going to have people on your website raving about you and basically tripping over themselves to work with you So that's really what I help my clients do is I help them niche down I helped them get more clients online by clarifying their brand message If you have questions for me about this please feel free to drop them in the comments below And if you want more free information on building your business making money growing your brand all of these things you can find all of that on my website So many of you guys have I'm sure checked it out before but for those of you that haven't mariawendt com and there's all kinds of free stuff on there basically to help your business grow Thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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