Day Two - How to Align with the Bounty of the Universe Masterclass

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
08 Sep 2024

Today you will experience even more Sacred Light Technologies and activation tools to bring in and align you with a NEW truth a positive experience so you can begin to create your reality from the energy perspective of that new truth which is the opposite of lack it is the experience of abundance - in all of it s forms Through these technologies you will expand your ability to understand and know abundance and to embody an expanded view and perspective of abundance -which will bring you into a new level of connection with what abundance truly is which is BOUNTY- We live in a Universe that is Bountiful - YOU are the universe which means you are BOUNTY when we come to know ourselves as something specific then our reality will begin to transform to reflect that knowing back to us The Universe doesn't respond to our desires it responds to who we know ourselves to be THIS is REAL manifestation To see the details for our upcoming class CoCreating Miracles with Sacred Light a https 3A 2F 2Fcocreatingmiracle com 2Fccmsl 2F a

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