An American Rhapsody SCARLETT JOHANSSON Free Full Movie Drama Story

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
12 Nov 2021

Free Drama Movie An American Rhapsody - A young Hungarian girl struggles to find her place in the world when she's reunited with her parents in the USA years after she was left behind during their flight from the communist country in the 1950s An American Rhapsody 2001 Director va G rdos Writer va G rdos Stars Scarlett Johansson Nastassja Kinski Raffaella B ns gi Genre Drama Runtime 1h 46min Country USA Hungary Language English Storyline In 1950 a Hungarian couple Peter and Margit are forced to flee from the oppressive communist country for the USA with their eldest daughter Maria but are forced to leave behind their infant daughter Suzanne who is raised by kindly foster couple 6 years later Peter and Margit arrange for the American Red Cross to bring Suzanne to their new home in Los Angeles where the perplexed youth is forced to accept her sudden change in home and country which leads to a troubled growing up At age 15 the rebellious and unsure-of-herself Suzanne tries to come to terms with her roots and decides to travel back to Budapest Hungary to find her true identity Reviews I loved this movie although I found it sad The little girl who played Suzanne as a child was phenomenal Her eyes and facial expressions spoke volumes When she tearfully told her father I want to go home it broke my heart I can certainly understand that the mother wanted her child back but considering the trauma it caused the child I wish there had been some easier way to make the transition from well loved little Hungarian country girl to homesick confused misunderstood albeit brave American child in L A suburbia It did seem as though the parents and grandmother displayed selfish reasons for uprooting the child never considering what it would be like from the child's point of view I couldn't help but think that Zsuzi would have grown up to be a delightful teenager had she been left with her foster parents She simply did not have the wherewithal to deal with being uprooted and transplanted with no warning no preparation No six year old not even any 16 year old or 40 year old for that matter could deal with emotional trauma of this magnitude I was left wanting to know MUCH MORE about this family did they return to visit Hungary Did they openly keep in touch with the foster parents How did this emotional upheaval affect Suzanne as an adult I want a sequel Written by nolava67 on IMDb com Because I did not experience the very real very profound love and affection as a child that Suzanne received from both sets of parents I was especially moved by this film The devotion shown even in the midst of the psychological turmoil within the heart of Suzanne carried through every scene whether violence was displayed or not As a young girl restricted to an immensely caring family life how would Suzanne have taken in all that Hungary represented In her youth It was in truth a complete mystery to her due the lack of firsthand experience All she knew was love unbalanced by the territorial facts Fortunately Hungary is no longer like it was in the 50s Instead it is one of the most economically strong and vibrant countries in Europe where marriages abound as does the birth of children Why Perhaps because they have chosen to keep out whatever interference might come along by way of migrants and have built a 150 mile wall to monitor the flow of potentially violent refugees I applaud all who helped make this revealing film which as I view it is especially applicable for today's youthful and inexperienced American socialists A far too impressionable bunch they are with fantastic na ve and unrealistic visions for nothing good was shown to come out of a society not open to the true yearnings of the souls of men and women Written by dbrayshaw on IMDb com

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