963 Hz SPIRITUAL RESET Heal The Past Manifest Self Healing Love Meditation
Welcome Beloved Soul We present this 963 Hz healing meditation for self-healing spiritual connection and peace of mind While listening release all resentment pain and judgment and come home to the present moment full of love gratitude and forgiveness Read more about 936Hz below This content was created to assist you to connect to your higher mind Self It can be used for meditation prayer sleep or any healing rituals While listening come home to your breath and heart Be here now In your body and in your heart Inhale love Exhale all negativity and tensions in the body Visualize a clear white light shining from above and into your open and receptive crown chakra Let this clear white light fill up your whole body Breathe in Loving Divine energy Feel how your heart opens up to the remembrance of connection and unconditional Love Feel how universal life force flows to you and through you with every breath you take Feel your power Feel your love Affirmations used in the video I am breathing deeply I know that I can relax and find relief in this present moment I am shifting from fear to love right now I am deeply connected and loved I am filled with divine energy I am strong I recognize that I have endured a lot in this life It has given me tremendous strength I am brave I can overcome ANY challenge Big or small I am turning every setback into an opportunity for growth I am growing I am playful and curious I am active and adventurous Every day I am discovering new things to be curious about I am flowing with my natural movement I am on a wonderful journey of self-exploration Every day I am spending quality time with myself I am peaceful I can retreat to my inner sanctuary of peacefulness whenever I feel the need I am letting go of every thought and emotion that causes stress and anxieties I am letting go of all resentment and judgment I am in complete surrender I know that everything has a solution and it will come to me in its own divine timing I am safe I am guided I am loved I allow forgiveness to enter my life Forgiveness has the power to heal anything I allow myself to heal Repeat for 21 days to experience astonishing results --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Solfeggio frequencies make up an ancient 6-tone audio scale that is said to date back to biblical times and carry divine-like properties In recent times each frequency has been found to carry a specific set of healing wellbeing and spiritual benefits that it affords the listener These include DNA repair relief from past traumas and opening the soul to spiritual experiences We tune all of our music in the miracle tone 528 Hz This song has added 963 Hz 936 Hz represents a return to oneness and awakens you to a perfect state of being By listening to it you ll be able to experience and enjoy your true nature It s related to the crown chakra that connects us to the entire universe
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