9 POWERFUL KUNDALINI MANTRAS Mantras for Peace Positive Energy
9 Powerful Kundalini Mantras featuring Om So Hum Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Sat Nam and more 1 Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad 00 00 2 Om So Hum 11 08 3 Sat Nam 22 50 4 Aad Guray Nameh 34 20 5 Gobinday Mukanday 45 15 6 Ang Sang Waheguru 56 21 7 Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung 1 07 30 8 Har Har Mukunday 1 19 25 9 Wahe Guru 1 30 32 These kundalini mantras contain the vibrations of peace prosperity connection and many other qualities and are understood by their impact even if the meaning of each word is not known
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