4 Simple Questions To Find Your Passion

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
29 Oct 2021

How To Find Your Passion People often write me asking what they should do with their lives They lack a sense of purpose They have this sense that they should follow their passion but they don't really know what it means Plus half the world is telling them that following a passion is stupid or misinformed They encourage them to develop the skills they are already good at and that society values That way they can get a good job and get paid I'm all for developing skills that can land you gainful employment But as to sticking to making that your sole focus Screw that And as for sticking only to what you're already good at Screw that too Start with what excites you If you care enough you'll put in the work to become fantastic in that field And the way the world is going you can get paid for most anything hell I make money talking about how celebrities exude charisma This video answers the question How do I find my passion It is there is to help you overcome some of the hidden doubts you might have The things that might be holding you back from discovering what your passion really is and committing to developing it Ask yourself these 4 questions and write down the answers Then pick the common thread and do it more You'll be a happier person for it and you might just get a chance to earn a living doing something you love 1 What makes you lose track of time 2 What do you spend money to do 3 Where do you fear judgment 4 What makes your heart race

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