3 Secrets to Getting More Clients Sales From Your Website

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
01 Feb 2022

Learn what you need to do in order to make more money with your site https://www.mariawendt.com/blog

Hello and welcome to another video with Maria Wendt Want my 3 secrets to getting more clients and sales from your website These are things you can implement right away so let's just go ahead and get started The first thing that you need to do is ask yourself What is the primary goal of my website Is it to get people to sign up to my email list Is it to give people blog information Is it to get clients Have them book discovery calls What is your primary goal of your website That's the first question that you need to ask because you have to have if you have a primary goal of your website everything on your website then has purpose You become very intentional with every page of your website For me when I work with my clients we sit down and we talk about what your primary goal of your website should be because each business owner is going to have different goals If I sell products I'm going to have a totally different goal then if I'm trying to get people to book discovery calls And my website's going to look different it's going to flow differently The first question that you've got to answer is what is the primary goal of my website Then once you get clear on that primary goal which you need to do is have very clear call to actions If you decide that you want your website to be a place for people to buy passive income products that's the primary goal of your website right Every call to action needs to be around that You need to point them to your courses and list the courses in a place where they can easily find them and put reviews of the courses there Whatever your primary goal is that's what you need to put front and center of your website That's what all the call to action buttons need to be about Everything should be pointing towards that one primary goal That's when a website works When a website doesn't work is when you have oh I want people to sign up to my email list and I want people to book calls with me and I want to do all of these different things It's like doing seven things half heartedly What you need to do is pick one primary goal and have everything be intentional around that Now that doesn't mean that you can't have secondary goals or little goals that support the primary goal For example it's totally okay to prompt people to sign up to an email list for example because that email list ideally is going to be a lead generator for you So you get people to sign up for your email list and then they participate in your content and they keep consuming it and then eventually they book a discovery call with you or they're reaching out to work with you It's okay to have secondary goals But those secondary goals should always be in support of your primary goal because otherwise you're going to be prompting your visitors to do eight things at once and they're not going to do anything at all So you've got to pick a primary goal and then have everything be very intentional around that The second thing that there absolutely needs to be on your website is a clear flow What I mean by that is the pages should flow into each other very smoothly rather than just sporadically everywhere I think we've all been to those websites where there's one page here and then there's this page here and it's not cohesive It doesn't feel like you're in a state of flow Maybe there's a lot of text and it's not broken up with images and there's just a lot going on It gets to be very overwhelming especially for highly sensitive people who don't like to see a lot of text or who don't want to be bombarded with a bunch of information What you really want to do is create a very clean flow You're basically guiding your visitors down the steps they should take If the first thing you want them to do is get on your email list let's put that first And let's say that that's the first step that they need to do Then if you want them to learn more about working with you let's make that the second thing And then finally if you want them to book a call let's make that the very clear third step But the point that I'm making here is that you've got to vary you basically have to hold your website visitor s hand You have to hold their hand and guide them through that process so that they're at the end of the day they know exactly what they need to do They know exactly how they're going to work with you or reach out to you or whatever

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