10 Spiritual Gifts Of The Empath

Gregarious 1
Gregarious 1
08 Nov 2021

10 Spiritual Gifts Of The Empath Empaths have been wired the way they are since birth for a reason It s not something that they practiced while growing up or something they chose to be a part of themselves Their empathic abilities existed ever since they were born Empaths communicate with other people effectively compared to others because of this ability or gift Because they have a deeper understanding of the person they are speaking to they are able to adjust in a way that it would be easy to understand for the other party A great way to explain this is how the manner of their speech changes depending on who they speak to Most of the time when empaths are talking to elderly people they unconsciously speak slower than they normally would and avoid using words that could easily confuse them No it s not because empaths are looking down at that particular person but because they know how it feels to be pressured to understand something new so they try to console by matching their pace to that person I wish everyone had this kind of gift Don t you think our world would have fewer arguments especially with people we cherish if we just had this kind of gift Empaths are just so different that their presence alone can be overwhelmingly peaceful While this presence heals others it often intimidates the rest especially the ones who haven t had their inner peace for such a long time and maybe this is the reason why empaths exist so we ll have someone who can help us heal at our most trying times These gifts are the sole reason why empaths when portrayed look like they are astral beings or angels Do you think empaths are God-sent to guide us as we walk through our lives

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